Cafecito with Rosie

Every week Rosie features business owners, who they are, what they do, and how they serve their community. Their inspiring stories provide tips and resources to inspire followers to find their Ñeque within them and develop a resilient mindset.

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Monday Mar 14, 2022

With corporate training near and dear to her heart, Charlotte Edwards pivoted from 19 years of corporate America into entrepreneurial success. Training Solutions by Charlotte Edwards provides engaging workshops and coaching programs focused on leadership, personal development, emotional intelligence, and customer satisfaction. Rosie and Charlotte address topics such as time management, goal setting, and women entrepreneurs.
Charlotte Edwards is certified with the John Maxwell Team as a coach, trainer, and speaker. Through her business Training Solutions by Charlotte Edwards, LLC she leads engaging workshops and coaching programs focused on leadership, personal development, emotional intelligence, and customer satisfaction. Charlotte also works with businesses and teams to evaluate business practices, highlight staffing strengths, and create plans that increase employee values and productivity in your organization. She also has experience working with boards, non-profits, and government agencies in board retreats and strategic plan creation.
Charlotte is also a coach to business owners and entrepreneurs in the creation of their business model to reduce the risk of failure. The business model outlines how the key drivers of a business fit together. It provides the strategic details necessary to help a business gain momentum and profitability in the marketplace.
[3:49] Charlotte shares a little about herself. [4:51] The shift from corporate America to the business owner. [5:59] Charlotte’s way of identifying being on the right path. [7:09] How Charlotte encountered the John Maxwell team. [8:56] Charlotte speaks on the challenge of time required to build a profitable business. [11:00] A goal-setting system- Deadlines in time clocks for projects. [14:33] How scheduled meeting time affects a team’s performance. [17:10] Charlotte shares one tool she has successfully used in business.Running Lean by Eric Ries. [20:40] A peek into the Facebook group: Extraordinary Women EntrepreneursVision: To help women with support, encouragement, and tools to be successful in business.
#Business #BusinessModel #StrategicPlanning #Entrepreneurship #WomenEntrepreneurs #Coaching #Consultant #Leadership #GoalSetting #Teamwork #Training #TimeManagement
Charlotte Edwards
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Monday Mar 07, 2022

Jamie Constantine is passionate about inspiring and motivating women to live their most joyful and impactful lives. She reaches women beyond her online boutique through podcasting and content creation. In this episode, Rosie and Jamie share topics such as happiness, helping others, valuing self, and collaborating.
Jamie Constantine is a wife, mom of two teenage boys, and a multi-passionate female entrepreneur. She loves coffee, fitness, and travel. She is the proud owner of an online women’s clothing and accessories boutique and hosts an inspirational and motivational podcast called The Happy Girl Podcast. Jamie is a Content Creator who loves thinking outside of the box. She thrives on creativity, innovation, and fun! Her mission is to inspire and motivate women to live their most joyful and impactful lives. [2:47] A few interesting facts about Jamie. [6:10] Jamie speaks about being passionate about what you’re doing. [7:48] Growth as an online boutique owner to further inspire women through podcasting. [11:38] The goal of the Happy Girl podcast. [13:51] Defining ‘happy’ in the Happy Girl podcast. [14:50] Jamie speaks on the topic of success. [18:20] Impostor Syndrome is a big deal, along with the comparison factor.  [21:36] Jamie shares the importance of collaboration. [22:21] Jamie’s recommendations for achieving your goals.
#Passion #OnlineBusiness #Community #Happiness #Support #Strengths #Collaborate #Intentional #Goals #Inspire #Motivate #HappyGirl #ContentCreator #Creative
Jamie Constantine
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Monday Feb 28, 2022

A clogged dryer vent is the #1 cause of a house fire. With this knowledge Claudia Rosenfeld and her husband were inspired to start their business, the Lint Surgeon. Its main goal is to educate the community of the dangers of dryer vent fires while providing superb customer service. In this episode, Rosie and Claudia discuss dryers, housefires, customer service, travel and networking.  
Born and raised in Colombia, wife and mother of two young adults and two furbabies, Claudia loves travel and languages. After seeing the need for a company that cared about safety and customer service Claudia and her husband started the Lint surgeon. Their goal was to educate the community of the dangers of dryer vent fires while providing superb customer service. Claudia has extensive experience in training and customer relations. She uses her skills to create lifelong customers. [2:26] Claudia shares a little about herself. [4:00] How Claudia’s business idea originated. [5:19] Indicators for cleaning your dryer vent.Dryer takes longer to dry clothesCondensation in dryerDust around laundry room [6:10] When is professional cleaning needed? [6:52] An often overlooked but important  check for new homeowners. [7:52] Why is customer service so important to Claudia?An opportunity to educate and build trust.  [9:57] What the Lint Surgeon crew looks like? [11:18] Claudia promotes affordable travel opportunities to families. [13:50] How Claudia turned her biggest challenge into motivation. [19:12] Keys to success: being honest with customers and building trust. [20:40] Babel Network’s impact on Claudia as a business owner. [22:45] Claudia reiterates the need for checking the performance of your dryer.
#HouseFire #Dryers #Safety #Educate #PreventiveMaintenance #CustomerService #Travel #Business #Networking
Claudia Rosenfeld
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Monday Feb 21, 2022

Rita Lowman is a 45-year banking veteran most recently serving as President of Pilot Bank. Rita has managed 20+ acquisitions in her career including being a part of the Executive Team who took C1 Bank public. Banking veteran Rita Lowman was not afraid to ask for what she wanted to do. Her determination to make an impact in her chosen field has resulted in a successful 45 years in the banking industry and executive positions on various boards. In this episode Rosie and Rita explore issues such as women in CEO positions, team communication, community and mental health. Rita is Chair of the Outback Bowl; Executive Board of the Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce; Southeastern Cabinet of the American Cancer Society; past chair of the Florida Bankers Association and a past director of the Florida School of Banking at the University of Florida. She has received numerous awards to include Woman of Distinction, Tampa Bay Businesswoman of the Year by TBBJ; 100 Most Influential People in Florida; Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce Small Business Leader of the Year and Woman of Distinction. In 2016 Rita wrote From the Farm to the Boardroom which was named the best business book of the year by the publishing company Richter Publishing. She and her husband Gary own a 430-acre cattle farm in Georgia named after their two sons HooperWill Farm. [4:27] The start of Rita Lowman’s journeyDiscovery of her ‘voice’ and it being heard [6:29] Rita’s upward climb in the banking industry [11:08] Rita speaks on the transience of life. [14:13] An example of overcoming limitations and fears in the workplace as a woman. [15:46] One of Rita’s banking career highlights. [17:50] The power of the community of women within the Tampa Bay market.Supporting each other’s growth and efforts in making a difference. [19:55] Rita shares her journey of becoming an advocate for mental health awareness.
#Banking #Leadership #Women #Community #Communication #Relationships #Teamwork #Support #MentalHealth
Rita Lowman
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Monday Feb 14, 2022

As the founder of Lane Business Consulting, Lorraine Lane has inspired business owners and executives for over 20 years to step into their leadership roles. She works with her clients to build on their strengths and skills to express their unique contributions.
Her objective is to open the doors of hidden opportunities for business owners so that they flourish and are able to contribute to their employees, customers, and communities.
Lorraine is a speaker, consultant, mentor, author, and podcast guest. She authored the popular book, Business-Building Referrals: Play Your A-Game and Become a Networking Superstar. [2:27] Getting to know Lorraine Lane. [4:05] Why vision boards are so important in business? [8:44] Lorraine’s Networking start was not as easy as ‘just go’. [12:51] Defining the purpose of your Networking efforts. [16:07] Tips on Networking shared. [18:46] The importance of a 10minutes presentation to business owners. [22:44] Lorraine shares how a painful experience can become a product to fulfill purpose.
#Consulting #ExecutiveCoaching #Entrepreneurs #Business #Leadership #Managers #Vision #VisionBoards #Networking #Presentation
Lorraine Lane
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Monday Feb 07, 2022

Debbie Lundberg believes "how you present is how you are remembered"! 
She is the founder & CEO of the Florida-based National firm, Presenting Powerfully. 
Debbie combined her 14-years of automotive leadership, her adjunct facilitation running simultaneously for 11 of those years, and her extensive schooling to embark on her business endeavor for passionately and purposefully enhancing communication, behaviors & relationships, emotional intelligence, leadership and kindness through the following four offerings: 
Keynotes & Talks, Strategy & Facilitation, Teaming & Training, and Coaching & Consulting.
As a 12-time published author, certified virtual presenter, certified life coach, certified leadership coach, and certified image consultant, Debbie is a performance coach who writes a monthly business etiquette column for Tampa Bay Business and Wealth magazine. Debbie also co-hosts The Business Of Life Master (TBOL) Class Podcast. Her 2020 book, REMOTE WORK ROCKSTAR, quickly became the guidebook for working and leading virtually! A quick dose of Debbie can be seen in her 2020 TED Talk “Who Cares? You CARE!” And, her second TED Talk, "Be the KIND of Leader Worth Following" is due out any day now!
[3:09] Debbie shares a little about herself
[5:01] The development of Debbie’s community involvement and charitable work.
[8:22] How the right attitude took Debbie from being a success in the field to national roles.
[11:45] Debbie details her transition into entrepreneurship.
[14:02] A look into some of Debbie’s leadership positions in the Tampa Bay area and its importance to her.CEO Council of United Way SunCoastChair of Circle of Red
[17:23] Debbie speaks on kindness and being the kind of leader worth following.
[19:14] How being a living kidney donor became a part of Debbie’s plan.
[22:04] A few life changes on becoming a donor.
#Leadership #Entrepreneurship #Consulting #Coaching #Kindness #Community  #Charity #Volunteer  #OrganDonor #LivingKidneyDonor
Debbie Lundberg
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Monday Jan 31, 2022

Elena Armijo joins Rosie to discuss acknowledging and facing your fears. Elena offers in-depth and customized executive programs for high performers who are at the top of their respective fields. 
She grew up in New Mexico and currently lives in New Jersey. She holds a B.M. of Music Education from New Mexico State University and an M.M. in Vocal Performance from the University of Washington.
She was introduced to opera at the New Mexico State University. Through her twenties she traveled the world singing on stages everywhere and met different people and experienced situations she would not have encountered had she stayed in New Mexico. Her opera career spanned ten years.
Rosie asks Elena how she uses her opera experiences in her coaching and why she is a coach. Feeling burned out is what led her to seek a change. She was signing non-stop for four years straight. She shares she felt incredibly lucky and grateful for the singing career she created but also lonely and miserable. Guilt plagued her and she hid it. Elena shares she hired a coach and through her work with her coach discovered she built this amazing career from a sense of proving - her worth to her parents, community and herself. It's simply not true that working really really hard is the only way to feel safe, loved and respected. When she realized this she knew she had to change her story. She describes participating in a transformational program about transforming yourself from the inside out. Elena shares through this program she basically fell in love with herself! 
Rosie affirms that Elena came to her journey facing her fears. Rosie believes that as business owners you get the best out of your life when you face your fears. The courageous part is that the end result is more meaningful than what that fear means right now. Rosie circles back around to what Elena said about falling in love with herself and notes that it is such a powerful tool. Elena shares that for her it was breaking down some of the things she watched her mother, grandmother and great grandmother model. Through self love she’s learned she needs to take care of herself first such as getting 8 hours of sleep, walking her dog or going on a hike. She gives to herself before she takes care of anyone else.  As women, we are not taught to do this. Elena notes that not taking care of you is doing a disservice not only to you but those around you. They don’t get the best version of you. Elena believes self love is taking care of yourself at a level that allows you to  experience your life deeply instead of just working or being here to get through your life.
Elena shares her path to coaching happened because she fell in love with something as much as she loved music. Having something that you love actually be the thing you step into fully has created everything for her over the past 8 years for her. She attributes her success to consistency and practicing some of the same techniques she used as an entrepreneur in the opera world. What she loves is bringing a creative brain into coaching particularly in areas of business she knows nothing about. She reminds people in these spaces that they are creative human beings and that there are other ways of thinking.  Initially, Elena’s biggest challenge was letting go of the imposter syndrome. Her current challenge as a six-figure business woman is to really own what she has created and step into this leveling up in her life. Old stories do resurface around guilt and did she work hard enough. Elensa shares she recognizes the old stories and has made friends with them. Most importantly, she doesn’t let them make decisions for her!
Rosie closes by thanking Elena for sharing her story and a quote from John Ship she included in her book, “Perseverance is stubbornness with a purpose.” 
#Self-care #Coaching #Opera #Mindset #CertifiedCoach #facingfears
Elena Armijo
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Monday Jan 24, 2022

Maureen Famiano is an award winning media expert. She has been in the broadcast arena for more than 35 years as television news reporter, producer and executive producer. She began her career as a reporter in NY before moving to Tampa Bay in 1996. She worked at NBC - WFLA for 17 years as a news producer and executive producer of syndicated shows like Daytime, Star Watch and Reel Animals Fishing. She was also executive producer of the WTSP CBS morning show, Great Day Live, for almost 4 years. In her time in morning show television she personally booked close to 15,000 guests on her shows She began her own company MEF Media in 2019 after many guests wanted her help as a consultant to their businesses. Her company offers branding and strategies followed by creative ideas that get results to get media attention with interviews. She works to pull the story out of a business, solopreneur or individual to connect better with customers. Her clients hail from Florida, Chicago, California and Houston. In 2020 and 2021, Maureen was nominated for the Best of the Bay in Tampa marketing agencies and was awarded the Diwali recognition by Tampa as a champion of light and goodness. She has served as a community ambassador for the Super Bowl, hosted TEDx Women in December 2021, and sat on the celebrity judges’ panel for the American Lung Association. She just published her first book The Best Business Minds in Tampa Bay and she was a TEDx Speaker in February 2022.
A colon cancer survivor, she prides herself on asking lots of questions and telling everyone to be their own advocate for answers, results and possibilities. She does not settle and pushes others to reach for the stars too. A married mom to two college aged children, she encourages hard work, relationship building and community partnerships. Maureen Famiano is always looking to share people’s stories to help set them apart. She said videos tell the tale of people and their businesses. Media exposure takes it to the next level. She helps with that! She has a motto, #TogetherWeWin and she works to coordinate and spread the good community news and efforts to showcase positive community synergies.
[2:51] Maureen shares a little about herself.
[4:05] How to navigate the journey of life.
[4:40] Maureen details her journey into media strategy and branding.She wanted to focus on the good stuff, because there is good stuff and people need to hear it.Her pivot came from the need to have a longer journey with her guests to help them continue their messaging. 
[6:17] The Revelations Cafe - An example of a great story of positivity, belief and hope highlighted.
[8:37] Maureen gives some background on the stories she likes to tell.When she finds that beautiful nugget of loveliness, she’s on to something and her clients then see the value of what they’re already doing.From their deep conversations she creates the pitch and the momentum.
[10:37] The rewards of moments of vulnerability explained. 
[12:40] Maureen emphasizes the importance of being authentic.Take the time to get to know people, the rest will take care of itself, if it should and if it doesn’t then you have a new friend, relationship or bond.
[13:52] Maureen shares one of her media outreach wins. She believed in what the story could be and then the rest happened.
[17:34] Tips for positioning your story.Everybody has a story.Figure out what makes you different.Develop a plan to go forward to make people gravitate to you.
#Media #Television #Producer #Strategy  #Storybranding  #Unique  #MakingAdifference  #Positive
Maureen Famiano
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Monday Jan 17, 2022

The winner doesn’t quit and the quitter doesn’t win. In this episode of Cafecito with Rosie together with Mona Giordano, we will be able to learn how she conquers her fear and weaknesses and turns into a successful business owner.
Mona Giordano, married and a mom of three, is a State Certified Pest Control Operator who owns and operates the Pest Control General Store in the Tampa Bay Area. She is a successful multi-preneur born in the baby boomer era. She has been involved in pest control for 30 years and is considered an expert in the field of Pest Control for Homeowners, Businesses, and Pest Control Operators.  As a working mom and entrepreneur, Mona has gained an appreciation for time management and the value of good business sense. She was becoming an entrepreneur when her career twisted as a life coach to create direct sales in business. Mona shares her motivations for starting a business, the value of healing yourself, and how tough it was for her before she becomes successful. In her struggle, she found out her purpose. She said, “I don’t think we are created to be in isolation, we are created to be in community and we get so much joy and purpose out of helping people succeed”. Direct Connection Network became more successful due to the pandemic. It became the instrument for her to communicate with her customers, clients, and friends.  She helps a lot of businesspeople to expand and to be known for their products using social media marketing. Many of us were devastated by covid and some businesses were shut down. But for others, covid opens another door for other business to born and bloom. Mona recommends that everyone “finds that thing that sets them apart and everybody else”, and utilize that to build their business and especially their social media presence. Mona’s big piece of advice is to “not take it seriously, that takes the fun out of it”.
#PestControl #Business  #BabyBloomer #Era #Purpose #Life #SocialMediaMarketing #Isolation #Facebook #Instagram #GraphicCanva
Mona Giordano
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Monday Jan 10, 2022

Becoming a better version of yourself demands more than absorbing as many YouTube videos and podcasts as you can. You need an honest assessment of what you’re already doing well, and where there’s still room for growth. 
Laura White married for over 33 years, is a Board Certified Advanced Christian Life Coach through the AACC, certified in Church Leadership, and a pastor, as well as certified with John Maxwell as a speaker, coach, and trainer. She has been a coach for over 10 years and specializes in how to get unstuck. This process includes awareness of yourself, how to let go of your past, move beyond your limiting beliefs, change disruptive patterns and habits, and set healthy boundaries. This process will give you a sense of freedom, peace, hope, and healing so you can move forward in your life.
Communicating with your spouse can be difficult. You likely have different communication styles, which means your conversations are often filled with miscommunication and conflict.  In this episode, Laura talks about how she loves to help married couples communicate better, enjoy each other’s company, and learn how to maintain a healthy relationship. She gives them the skills and the techniques couples need to cultivate a great and loving marriage.
For over a decade, after she worked with and learned so much from people wanting to see a change in themselves, she developed her 6-Pillar path to consistently “dig in” and reveal the things about you that help you learn who you are, let go of the toughest things in your past, that is holding you back, evaluate your environment to see if you’re setting yourself up for success or anchoring yourself to a post, see how change-open or change-averse you are, listen and respond to others that will disarm heated dialog and connect deeply with your loved ones, learn communication “hacks” that help you gain respect, and get your opinions and ideas in the open.
#Miracle #Prayer #ProsperousLeader #DisruptivePattern #Hacks
Laura White
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